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St Kilian's Annual Easter Community Ethical Market 2025

The market will be held on Saturday 22nd March 2025 from 10am - 1pm in the church grounds on 161 McCrae Street, Bendigo. Proceeds are for the continued development of our beautiful community garden outdoor areas. 

Prospective stall holders, please read INFORMATION (below) then complete REGISTRATION FORM 

and email to Geraldine Stills:

St Kilian's is an Earthcare Parish.

St Kilian's Parish Community is responding to Catholic Earthcare Australia, which is a program of Caritas Australia that responds to the ‘cry of the earth’ to safeguard creation and provide a voice for victims of environmental injustice.

The parish responds to the call of Laudato si’, the environmental encyclical in which Pope Francis invited Catholics all around the world to reflect, pray and take action to protect our common home.

In response, the parish has created a community garden where we can practice looking after our Mother Earth. Join the Community Garden Team every Wednesday morning at 10am-12nn.


Parish Pastoral Plan 

Walking together in communion, participation

and mission towards a synodal parish.

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Enjoy the warm beautiful hospitality
at St Kilian's Café

Every Sunday after the 10am Mass, we welcome everyone at the café to meet new parishioners, catch-up with familiar faces and enjoy the company and hospitality of our volunteers at the café. We have number of wonderful volunteers bringing some delicious food and good coffee! They will welcome you with their beautiful smiles.

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St Kilian's Bendigo is a Child Safe Parish

Through our policies and practices we protect the right of children to feel safe and to be safe. We promote the well-being and inclusion of all children. 

For more information, go to

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